Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s Sunday, May 13, 2018- Happy Mother’s Day! (Where I am, at least).

Not to start off too sentimental or anything (*cue sarcasm*), but I have always been interested in the English language; when I was a kid, I wondered whether it was correct to write ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ or ‘Happy Mothers’ Day’ on my Mother’s Mother’s Day card (my rationale was simply that there are many mothers in the world, and it’s their day, so wouldn’t Mothers’ Day be preferred?). Fortunately, the Internet has cleared this up; both are of course grammatically correct, but it is my understanding that the intention of Mother’s Day is to celebrate your own mother (rather than all mothers).

Thanks for reading this far… (I know that many, many, many people do not care about the placement of an apostrophe, and have never thought about it before, nor will they ever again.)

While there are a few very important & influential women in my life (Happy Mother’s Day, Aunt Val!), in keeping in the spirit of the day, I will focus my attention on my own mother. You’ve never seen her face (unless you know her, personally), but if you’ve read a couple of my blog posts, you’ve seen her artwork.

My mother, Dixie Foxton, is an incredible artist. She created many pieces over the years, and now that I have my own blog, she graciously allows me to use her art as inspiration for my writing.

I would like to share another one of her pieces with you. It is titled: ‘The Birth’. Usually, I post the image at the top of the page, but over the years I have come to understand that some people are not used to seeing the human form in artwork. My mom’s style tends to be a bit abstract anyways, so most of you who scroll down will laugh that I’ve included a disclaimer (of sorts); since I can’t gauge every sensitivity (especially in this respect, as I grew up with my mom’s beautiful art all over the place), I just thought I’d let you know.

Please scroll down…








Art by Dixie Foxton. Used with permission.
Art by Dixie Foxton. Used with permission.

It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

I like it a lot. I hope that you do, too.

And because I know that my mom would be happy to share her day with you:

Whether you are a deeply loved aunt or step-mother; have a baby here on Earth or not; your kids are grown; you are trying like hell to conceive (but no one knows your plight), or you are anxiously awaiting news from an adoption agency; or (like me) your business is your baby (and you’re happy that way), I hope that you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

To my own mom:

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! I love you.

Give your life the green light. It’s A Go!

Amber Green

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